Victrinia Ridgeway

Pacific Rim Bonsai Collection

Bonsai Artist: Ms. Mary Corrington
Species: Mountain Hemlock (Tsuga mertensiana)

Traditions and Transitions - Arts of the Earth

This unique display combining the art of pottery, with the art of bonsai, was put on by the Weyerhaeuser Company. The curator for the Pacific Rim Bonsai Collection is Mr. David DeGroot. Some of the collection's most popular trees were used in this exhibit. Not the least of which are Mr. Nick Lenz's American Eastern Larch, Mr. John Naka's Oriental Sweet Gum, and Mr. Vaughn Banting's Bald Cypress.

This exhibit was on display at the PRBC August 17 - September 27, 2006.

Photography by Victrinia Ensor
This tree works for me in an abstract way, even though I think the trunk is too evenly curved, it is shown as a feature instead of hidden as a flaw. Therefore I like the movement and overall display.
I love this tree. Photographs just don't do it justice. I have a picture I took of it on my credit card though lol.

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Bonsai Critique
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Victrinia Ridgeway
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