Leo in N E Illinois

Bald Cypress Cache River, Illinois

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WOW these trees are mind blowing. Where can I learn more? Makes me want to visit southern Illinois.
Use google maps. Lower Cache River unit of Shawnee National Forest, Nearest town is Vienna, Illinois. Canoe rentals available in Vienna, and other nearby towns. Best viewed in November thru February, while trees are leafless and poisonous snakes are in hibernation. Spring canoe trips are very scenic, but the occasional cottonmouth and copperhead are an issue for inexperienced outdoors people. Middle of summer the mosquitoes will make the trip impossible.

These days there is a boardwalk that allows a view of the big bald cypress. Maps will show where to park.

Additional ancient cypress trees can be viewed from the boardwalk at Heron Pond, in the Shawnee National Forest.

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