In case you haven't heard--Cold returning

Another near record low last night (21) but things are looking up. Forecast for this week only has a couple of nights getting down to near 30 (normal low is 34). Things start going out for good today. Finally!

Of course, the problem is that all the repotting needs to be done, basically, right now...
Mmmm, looks like you might have a brandywine or two in there?
I love your set up Judy! So jealous! Thanks for the link but I think my wife will have papers drafted and on the kitchen table by that evening! :eek:
Tell her it's an insurance for your investment! And more time for her since you're not hauling trees...:)
Spring has hit me here like a hammer this year!
So unseasonably warm that I may have the old 2 step coming up in my future, usually not a problem for me but trees are waking up early this year. Lots of spring cleaning etc to do, got a week off work next week, good timing. image.jpgimage.jpgimage.jpgimage.jpgimage.jpg
Hey, you got bonsai chickens! That's great.

Just lugged the first batch of trees out (conifers mostly) and they're not coming back in until fall. They will have to spend some time on the deck as the growing benches need a little work. Tomorrow I dig into the barn shelter to see how many things need repotting yesterday.
Hey, you got bonsai chickens! That's great.

Just lugged the first batch of trees out (conifers mostly) and they're not coming back in until fall. They will have to spend some time on the deck as the growing benches need a little work. Tomorrow I dig into the barn shelter to see how many things need repotting yesterday.

I have a western larch to repot this year, damn they move fast, gotta do that one yesterday too. image.jpg
I have a western larch to repot this year, damn they move fast, gotta do that one yesterday too.
Oops! Have you ever repotted one at that stage? I've always heard it's a big no-no to repot a larch once the buds have opened.
Oops! Have you ever repotted one at that stage? I've always heard it's a big no-no to repot a larch once the buds have opened.
No, it was about this stage when collected though. Pretty hard to do anything earlier, the mulch around the box was still too frozen to move the tree until yesterday.
I think there is still a small window once needle tufts start emerging but not
I have a couple that I'm working with, have repotted a few times - but never later than when the buds were just starting to show green tips. It's been pretty well drilled into me that you don't touch the roots after that. But if you successfully collected it at this stage, I don't see why you couldn't repot as well...
I have a couple that I'm working with, have repotted a few times - but never later than when the buds were just starting to show green tips. It's been pretty well drilled into me that you don't touch the roots after that. But if you successfully collected it at this stage, I don't see why you couldn't repot as well...

I'm in no rush to work the tree but I really want to clean out the old soil, I think it will help keep the tree healthier, watering is a bit hard to judge now with the soil its in. I'll try to research a bit more before taking the plunge, I may have time tomorrow to get'er done.
Awesome.Only fall to 36 degrees tonight.
Everything got pulled back out.
A grow bed full of leaves helps me on marginal cold/freeze nights like this.
I put them on the bed and cover with leaves to keep the heat in the pots.
Just in case they get the forecast wrong.


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22 this morning but last of the sub freezing in the 10 day. Carry all out again tomorrow:)
After snow on Saturday and a low of 25 that night, temperatures were in the high 40-55 yesterday. Everything went back out on Sunday in the afternoon. Looks like things aren't going to get much below 40 or so in the coming week. I hope this last blast marked the last of winter. I am sick and tired of moving trees. This has been one of the roughest springs in quite a while.

The lingering winter is also affecting wildlife. Since everything outside is weeks behind in development, from insects to plants, wildlife is having a tough time. The squirrels, for instance, are really chewing up my trees in the last few weeks, especially the maples. They bite the ends off of twigs and entire branches to get the sap. They are also more aggressive.
Seems the coldest of cold has passed and practically zero damage. I do see a few leafs that the tips browned on but out of thousands not bad. This Dolgo Russian Crabapple is pushing hard and just a quick example.

Dolgo Russian Crabapple.JPG

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