Fun with Maples

Those are seedlings
Quite a bit of ramification on that first one. Very cool. Two of my first three (I think I mentioned I'm just now starting the hobby) are silver maples. Everyone says they won't bonsai well but they're freaking indestructible and I'm having a ton of with them.

Anyway, thanks for showing them off to me. :)
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Quite a bit of ramification on that first one. Very cool. Two of my first three (I think I mentioned I'm just now starting the hobby) are silver maples. Everyone says they won't bonsai well but they're freaking indestructible and I'm having a ton of with them.

Anyway, thanks for showing them off to me. :)
Thanks check back in anytime .. it’s a long project but once day they’ll be spectacular
The sudden turning to black leaf is never a good sign for JM. I hope they make it.
The sudden turning to black leaf is never a good sign for JM. I hope they make it.
Yeah me too .. not sure what it is .. as another grouping of maples in a bit deeper pot still shallow is fine .. I think it roots are too confined .. I hope they make it too. The buds are still red
The sudden turning to black leaf is never a good sign for JM. I hope they make it.
the one w the sudden black leaves died … idk what it was form but the other one is developing the same issues idk wtf to do .. hydrogen peroxide ?
I'd start with some granular infuse fungicide or similar... maybe some daconil spray
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